Auditing Laws for Accountants

Accounting auditing laws


Criteria for audits

The auditor is interested in any matter that has been submitted for examination or any report of business activity (including whether the company has paid any taxes) and any claim for relief or refund filed by a company’s tax unit. In general, the auditor does not audit property, accounts, or transactions which are primarily within the control of the auditor. In addition, although the auditor does have Jurisdictional Authority over his/her area of business, the Auditor General does not have authority over companies that are under his/her control.

Audit services

The practice of auditing has been around almost for 100 years. The early audits were basically reports of business practices, but gradually were used for academic and research purposes. The demand for effective audit services grew because of the demand for more objective methods of management. The accountant near me usually prepared a set of authoritative examinations for which a company had to pay a fee.

The tests were generally intended to evaluate the managerial competence of the accountant as well as his/her competence in carrying out the reminder and other processes of accounting. Despite the desire of companies to limit their exposure to the audit process, they could not limit the reach of an audit. Today, however, companies put more emphasis on the internal auditing process, in which external auditors provide support and services.

The Choice of Method

Audit services are now available for companies of all sizes and shapes. This process is most often applied for revenue, profit, and cost management.

Large companies that are able to give auditors more access to their books, may employ consultants to help them prepare detailed presentations regarding company financial records. These presentations are then made available to the public in the form of a financial report filed by the company’s auditors.

Small companies with limited resources may still be able to achieve good results by internal auditing. In such situations, the accountant prepares a narrower set of optimized reports prepared upon receiving the information. These reports are normally filed by the accountant with the general corporate board.

The auditor and the company’s management may also decide to employ an external auditing company to assist them in the completion of work related to the preparation of their consolidated financial statements. This is usually an outsourced service and performed in collaboration with the accountant. The performance of the external auditor is closely monitored by the internal auditors.

Preparation of Financial Statements

Financial statements are nothing but a detailing of the result of a particular business operation. The accountant prepares a general ledger which details transactions and financial instruments that have been used in the operation of the company. The accountants review their data, particularly that which is related to the financial statements, to identify flaws and to prepare an updated copy of the statements.

However, in the auditor’s job, there exists another side of the coin. They too have to prepare the financial statements in order to meet the deadline imposed by the company’s management. In order to do so, they too have to employ certain tools and adopt standards related to certain elements and the management choices related to it.

Instead of relegating the auditors to performing a general ledger, the management may decide to invest specific resources to improve the auditing process. This could mean outsourcing the entire process to a private auditor, or to a contracted auditing company.

Benefits of Formative and Proofreading

Auditing policies require the company to adopt a standard set of processes for preparing its financial statements. However, no matter how well the company prepares its statements, a well prepared set of financial statements can still result in a fail safe.

A set of financial statements that are prepared, filed and analyzed in a competent manner can help make important business decisions. This can also help an organization to obtain a brisk financial result. In addition, a set of statements prepared by the accountant can highlight the past performance of the company’s financial statements.

In order to ensure that the organization’s financial statements are prepared, organized and prepared well, the company’s managers, accountants and other internal organization teams need to spend sufficient time, weapons and the manpower to accomplish this task.

The actual financial statements, which are obtained from the company’s independent auditors, are thereafter made public. The company’s managers, accountants and other internal organization team leaders analyze the performance of the company’s financial statements in looking for areas for improvement. In so doing, they are aware of the directions for improvement that the managers, accountants and other internal organization team members can bring to bear on the organizations’ financial statements.

During the preparation of the company’s financial statements, the auditor may also review the previous years’ financial statements, identifying funds that the organization’s administrators had to use in prior periods in order to fulfill their business requirements. Knowing about this prior history can help the auditor offer some important hints for the improvement of the organization’s internal organization’s cash flow and the use of its resources and management of its existing assets and commitments.